
reading meaning in Hindi

reading    ({noun})साहित्यिक ज्ञान|पढाई|पढे जाने का ढंग|पढना|अर्थ|पठन
to read    ({vb})जोर से बोलना|पढना|समझना|सीखना
to be read    ({vb})पढा जाना

Translations & Examples

reading    साहित्यिक ज्ञान
reading    (also: school, schooling)पढाई
reading    पढे जाने का ढंग
reading    पढना
reading    (also: advantage, explanation, exposition, implication, intent, interest, meaning, purport, reason, sense)अर्थ
reading    पठन
to read    (also: to intone, to recite, to relate, to study)पढना
to read    (also: comprehension, to comprehend, to consider, to count, to perceive, to presume, to reach, to realise, to realize, to understand)समझना
to read    (also: to understand)सीखना

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