
real meaning in Hindi

real    ({adj.})वास्तविक|खरा|सच|अस्थावर|यथार्थ|अचल|असली|सत्य

Translations & Examples

real    (also: actual, authentic, constituent, genuine, internal, intrinsic, positive, proper, substantial, substantive)वास्तविक
real    (also: clean, faithful, frank, genuine, honest, legitimate, outspoken, plain, sincere, straight)खरा
real    सच
real    (also: movable)अस्थावर
real    (also: accurate, actual, authentic, equitable, exact, proper, true, veritable, virtual, very)यथार्थ
real    (also: constant, firm, fixed, immobile, immovable, immutable, irrevocable, motionless, peremptory, quiet)अचल
real    (also: authentic, intrinsic, native, natural, primaeval, primal, primeval, pristine, proper, radical)असली
real    (also: substantive, true, veritable, very)सत्य

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