
rear meaning in Hindi

rear    ({noun})पिछला भाग|पिछली पंक्ति|आखिर|पीछा|पिछवाडा
to rear    ({vb})उठाना|पिछले पांव पर खडा होना|शिक्षा देना|बढाना|पाल पोसना

Translations & Examples

rear    पिछला भाग
rear    पिछली पंक्ति
rear    आखिर
rear    (also: chase, hunt, prosecution, pursuit)पीछा
rear    (also: back, background)पिछवाडा
to rear    पिछले पांव पर खडा होना
to rear    (also: to coach, to exercise)शिक्षा देना
to rear    (also: to add, to carry, to continue, to redouble, to stretch)बढाना
to rear    पाल पोसना

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