
reasonable meaning in Hindi

reasonable    ({adj.})उचित|परिमित|न्यायी|ज्ञानवान|मुनासिब|सहनीय|नियत|यथोचित|ठीक
reasoning    ({noun})विवाद|तर्क वितर्क
reason    ({noun})ज्ञान|कारण|विचार|दलील|प्रयोजन|बुद्धि|व्याख्या|संयम|सम्वाद

Translations & Examples

reasonable    (also: advisable, applicable, appropriate, becoming, binding, competent, correct, decent, expedient, fair)उचित
reasonable    (also: definite, finite, limited, narrow, parochial, qualified, temperate)परिमित
reasonable    (also: even-handed, impartial)न्यायी
reasonable    ज्ञानवान
reasonable    (also: meet)मुनासिब
reasonable    (also: tolerable)सहनीय
reasonable    (also: categorical, definitive, determined, fixed, regular)नियत
reasonable    (also: adequate, becoming, proportional, proportionate, right)यथोचित
reasonable    (also: accurate, actual, answerable, apt, correct, crucial, definite, equal, equitable, exact)ठीक
reasoning    तर्क वितर्क
reason    (also: account, agency, cause, ground, impulse, incentive, incitement, inducement, instrument, medium)कारण
reason    (also: belief, caution, concept, conception, consideration, contemplation, deliberation, determination, discretion, discrimination)विचार
reason    (also: argument, plea, proof)दलील
reason    (also: concern, impulse, intent, object, occasion, pressure, purpose, push, sake, scope)प्रयोजन
reason    (also: brain, calibre, comprehension, discretion, head, humor, humour, intellect, lore, mind)बुद्धि
reason    (also: description, explanation, exposition, interpretation, key, paraphrase, solution)व्याख्या
reason    (also: control, moderation, sobriety, temperance)संयम
reason    (also: notification)सम्वाद

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