
rebuff meaning in Hindi

rebuff    ({noun})अस्वीकार|पराजय|रोक|इनकार|आकस्मिक रुकाव
to rebuff    ({vb})अस्वीकार करना|रोकना|हटाना

Translations & Examples

rebuff    (also: denial, disapproval, refusal, renunciation, spurn, repulse)अस्वीकार
rebuff    (also: defeat, loss, rout, repulse)पराजय
rebuff    (also: clog, control, cramp, curb, delay, hitch, let, limit, limitation, obstacle)रोक
rebuff    (also: decline, nay)इनकार
rebuff    आकस्मिक रुकाव
to rebuff    (also: to bound, to cease, to check, to clog, to confine, to constrain, to contain, to control, to counteract, to cross)रोकना
to rebuff    (also: to move, to rebut, to remove, to shift, to suspend)हटाना

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