
rebuke meaning in Hindi

rebuke    ({noun})मलामत|झिडकी|रोक|डांट|धमकी
to rebuke    ({v.t.})घुडकना|डांट कर रोकना|डपटना|मलामत करना|झिडकना

Translations & Examples

rebuke    मलामत
rebuke    (also: denunciation, reproach)झिडकी
rebuke    (also: clog, control, cramp, curb, delay, hitch, let, limit, limitation, obstacle)रोक
rebuke    (also: admonition, intimidation, reprimand, scolding, snub)डांट
rebuke    (also: bluff, bravado, defiance, denouement, denunciation, intimidation, menace, scolding, threat, thunder)धमकी
to rebuke    डांट कर रोकना
to rebuke    (also: to reprimand)डपटना
to rebuke    (also: to reprimand)मलामत करना
to rebuke    (also: to revile, to bully, to reproach)झिडकना

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