
recall meaning in Hindi

recall    ({noun})प्रत्याहार|फिर से बुलाहट|खण्डन
to recall    ({v.t.})लौटाना|खण्डन करना|उलट देना|मन्सूख करना|फिर बुलाना

Translations & Examples

recall    (also: substitution)प्रत्याहार
recall    फिर से बुलाहट
recall    (also: repeal, reversal, revocation, separation)खण्डन
to recall    (also: to deny, to rebut, to repeal, to retract, to reverse, to recant, to refute, to disprove, to impugn)खण्डन करना
to recall    (also: to overturn, to reverse, to subvert, to upset, to wrest, to overthrow)उलट देना
to recall    (also: to revoke)मन्सूख करना
to recall    फिर बुलाना

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