
receptive meaning in Hindi

receptive    ({adj.})ग्रहणशील|विचार या छाप ग्रहण करने वाला
reception    ({noun})भेंट|आदर करना|आदर|कबूल|स्वागत|अगवानी|ग्रहण|मुलाकात

Translations & Examples

receptive    (also: susceptible)ग्रहणशील
receptive    विचार या छाप ग्रहण करने वाला
reception    आदर करना
reception    (also: attention, compliment, deference, entertainment, esteem, estimation, honor, honour, notice, obeisance)आदर
reception    कबूल
reception    (also: acceptance, welcome)स्वागत
reception    अगवानी
reception    (also: assumption, comprehension, eclipse, seizure, taking)ग्रहण
reception    (also: encounter, interview, meeting, visit, visitation, inverview)मुलाकात

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