
record meaning in Hindi

record    ({noun})स्मारक|सरकारी कागज़|रजिस्टर|लेख पत्र|इतिहास
to record    ({v.t.})रजिस्टर में दर्ज करना|लिखना|स्याह करना|तसदीक करना|साक्षी देना|टांकना
recorder    ({noun})दफ्तर|लेखक|लेख्य पत्र रक्षक

Translations & Examples

record    (also: memorial, remembrance)स्मारक
record    सरकारी कागज़
record    (also: register)रजिस्टर
record    लेख पत्र
record    (also: chronicle, history, narrative)इतिहास
to record    (also: to book, to enter, to draft, to inscribe, to pen, to write, to execute a document)लिखना
to record    स्याह करना
to record    तसदीक करना
to record    साक्षी देना
to record    (also: to enter, to jot, to tack, to write)टांकना
recorder    (also: actuary, author, clerk, draughtsman, penman, scribe, secretary, writer)लेखक
recorder    लेख्य पत्र रक्षक

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