
recreation meaning in Hindi

recreation    ({noun})आराम|नई बनावट|विश्राम|दिल्लगी|बहलाव|प्रसन्नता
to recreate    ({v.t.})तर या ताज़ा करना|फिर बनाना|बहलाना|रिझाना|फिर जिलाना|प्रसन्न करना

Translations & Examples

recreation    (also: help, inaction, inactivity, leisure, refreshment, sleep, quiet)आराम
recreation    नई बनावट
recreation    (also: ease, leisure, recess, relaxation, repose, rest, sleep, stop, quiet)विश्राम
recreation    (also: amusement, entertainment, humor, humour, play, pleasantry)दिल्लगी
recreation    (also: diversion)बहलाव
recreation    (also: assent, delight, elation, glee, hilarity, liking, pleasantry, pleasure, sunshine)प्रसन्नता
to recreate    (also: to rebuild, to remake)फिर बनाना
to recreate    बहलाना
to recreate    (also: to allure, to bewitch, to please, to tickle)रिझाना
to recreate    (also: to reinvigorate)फिर जिलाना
to recreate    (also: to indulge, to please, to regale, to delight, to oblige, to gladden, to rejoice)प्रसन्न करना

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