
redress meaning in Hindi

redress    ({noun})दुरुस्ती|औषधि|उपाय
to redress    ({v.t.})दवा करना|बना देना|प्रतिफल देना|बदला देना|उपाय करना|मरम्मत करना

Translations & Examples

redress    (also: amendment, nicety, precision, propriety, reform, reformation, repair)दुरुस्ती
redress    (also: cure, physic, salve)औषधि
redress    (also: appliance, artifice, boot, cure, design, device, machination, move, plan, projection)उपाय
to redress    बना देना
to redress    (also: to reward, to repay, to retaliate)प्रतिफल देना
to redress    (also: to return, to restore, to reward, to repay, to retaliate)बदला देना
to redress    (also: to cure, to hatch, to manage, to remedy, to treat, to frame, to plan, to scheme, to devise)उपाय करना
to redress    (also: to reform, to remedy, to repair, to mend, to refit)मरम्मत करना

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