
redundant meaning in Hindi

redundant    ({adj.})ज्यादा|अधिक|अतिरिक्त|अत्यधिक शब्दों का
redundancy    ({noun})बहुतायत|अधिकता|अतिरिक्तता|फालतूपन|ज्यादती

Translations & Examples

redundant    (also: plentiful, more)ज्यादा
redundant    (also: abundant, accessory, additional, burning, considerable, excessive, extra, exuberant, farther, fertile)अधिक
redundant    (also: additional, extra, inordinate, saving)अतिरिक्त
redundant    अत्यधिक शब्दों का
redundancy    (also: addition, enhancement, excess, exuberance, intensity, overflow, store, surplus, much)अधिकता
redundancy    अतिरिक्तता
redundancy    फालतूपन
redundancy    ज्यादती

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