
reference meaning in Hindi

reference    ({noun})सैन|पता|दृष्टि|मेल|इशारा|सम्बन्ध|सङ्केत|लिहाज़|हवाला
to refer    ({vb})अपील करना|नालिश करना|पूछना|हवाला देना|सम्मति लेना|सौंपना|सुपुर्द करना|लगाव रखना

Translations & Examples

reference    (also: hint, inkling, innuendo, touch)सैन
reference    (also: address, clue, inscription, trace)पता
reference    (also: aspect, eyesight, ken, look, look-out, phase, prospect, ray, seeing, sight)दृष्टि
reference    (also: accord, accordance, adaptation, alliance, amalgamation, annexation, association, blend, bond, coalition)मेल
reference    (also: allusion, hint, innuendo, insinuation, waft, wave)इशारा
reference    (also: affinity, attribution, implication, kinship, regard, respect)सम्बन्ध
reference    सङ्केत
reference    (also: regard, sake)लिहाज़
reference    (also: allusion)हवाला
to refer    (also: to impeach, to sue)नालिश करना
to refer    (also: to ask, to examine, to inquire)पूछना
to refer    (also: to cite)हवाला देना
to refer    (also: to consult)सम्मति लेना
to refer    (also: delivery, to charge, to commend, to commit, to consign, to repose)सौंपना
to refer    (also: to repose)सुपुर्द करना
to refer    लगाव रखना

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