
repeal meaning in Hindi

repeal    ({noun})खण्डन|मनसूखी|लोप|प्रचार लोप
to repeal    ({v.t.})रद्द करना|निष्प्रभाव करना|खण्डन करना

Translations & Examples

repeal    (also: recall, reversal, revocation, separation)खण्डन
repeal    मनसूखी
repeal    (also: abolition, annihilation, annulment, concealment, rescission, revocation)लोप
repeal    प्रचार लोप
to repeal    (also: to rescind, to vacate, to abrogate, to neutralize, to overrule, to nullify, to quash, to neutralise, to void)निष्प्रभाव करना
to repeal    (also: to deny, to rebut, to retract, to reverse, to recall, to recant, to refute, to disprove, to impugn)खण्डन करना

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