
repulse meaning in Hindi

repulse    ({noun})हटाना|इन्कार|पराजय|अस्वीकार
to repulse    ({v.t.})पराजित करना|मार हटाना|भगा देना|हटा देना
repulsive    ({adj.})घृणोत्पादक|अरुचिकर|भावशून्य

Translations & Examples

repulse    हटाना
repulse    इन्कार
repulse    (also: defeat, loss, rebuff, rout)पराजय
repulse    (also: denial, disapproval, rebuff, refusal, renunciation, spurn)अस्वीकार
to repulse    मार हटाना
to repulse    भगा देना
to repulse    (also: to dismiss, to repel)हटा देना
repulsive    (also: abominable, distasteful, harsh, nauseous, rank, repugnant, sickening)अरुचिकर
repulsive    भावशून्य

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