
retaliation meaning in Hindi

retaliation    ({noun})प्रतिकार|प्रतिफल|बदला
to retaliate    ({v.i.})जैसे को तैसा देना
to retaliate    ({v.t.})प्रतिफल देना|पलटा देना|बदला देना

Translations & Examples

retaliation    (also: antidote, cure, healer, remedy, revenge)प्रतिकार
retaliation    (also: compensation, retribution, satisfaction, amends)प्रतिफल
retaliation    (also: compensation, indemnity, price, reparation, reprisal, reprise, restitution, retribution, revenge, reward)बदला
to retaliate    (also: to redress, to reward, to repay)प्रतिफल देना
to retaliate    (also: to wreak, to replace, to repay)पलटा देना
to retaliate    (also: to redress, to return, to restore, to reward, to repay)बदला देना

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