
return meaning in Hindi

return    ({noun})कैफियत|पलटाव|हिसाब का नकशा|बहाली|लौटान|वापसी|लाभ|नफा|नकशा|सूद
to return    ({v.i.})फिर देखना|फिर उत्तर देना|फिर जाना|लौटना|फिर आना
to return    ({v.t.})बदला देना|निर्वाचन करना|चुकाना|फिर लाना|लौटाना

Translations & Examples

return    (also: explanation)कैफियत
return    (also: relapse, withdrawal)पलटाव
return    हिसाब का नकशा
return    (also: recovery, rehabilitation, restoration, revival)बहाली
return    लौटान
return    (also: recession, retreat, retribution, retrieval, withdrawal)वापसी
return    (also: acquisition, advantage, avail, benefit, bonus, boot, catch, clearance, commodity, cure)लाभ
return    नफा
return    (also: projection, roster, survey)नकशा
return    (also: premium)सूद
to return    फिर उत्तर देना
to return    (also: to recur)फिर जाना
to return    लौटना
to return    (also: to recur)फिर आना
to return    (also: to redress, to restore, to reward, to repay, to retaliate)बदला देना
to return    (also: to elect)निर्वाचन करना
to return    (also: to adjust, to discharge, to liquidate, to reconcile, to replace, to satisfy, to settle)चुकाना
to return    फिर लाना
to return    (also: to recall, to render)लौटाना

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