
reverent meaning in Hindi

reverent    ({adj.})सम्मान सूचक|सुशील|भक्तियुक्त|विनीत|नम्र|श्रद्धालु
reverently    ({adv.})आदर से|सादर|सम्मान पूर्वक
reverence    ({noun})इज़्ज़त|सम्मान|आदर|आज्ञापालन|सत्कार
to revere    ({v.t.})आदर करना|इज़्ज़त करना|अदब करना|बडा मानना|सम्मान करना
to revere    ({vb})आदर करना

Translations & Examples

reverent    सम्मान सूचक
reverent    (also: affable, amiable, civil, courteous, courtly, fashionable, genteel, gentle, modest, neighborly)सुशील
reverent    भक्तियुक्त
reverent    (also: attentive, bashful, courteous, demure, humble, modest, profound, unobtrusive)विनीत
reverent    (also: bashful, courteous, gentle, humble, indulgent, lowly, meek, modest, profound)नम्र
reverent    श्रद्धालु
reverently    सादर
reverently    सम्मान पूर्वक
reverence    (also: esteem, estimation, homage, obeisance, plume, regard, regards, respect)सम्मान
reverence    (also: attention, compliment, deference, entertainment, esteem, estimation, honor, honour, notice, obeisance)आदर
reverence    (also: allegiance, compliance)आज्ञापालन
reverence    (also: attention, entertainment, homage, notice, salute, welcome)सत्कार
to revere    इज़्ज़त करना
to revere    अदब करना
to revere    बडा मानना
to revere    (also: to dignify, to worship, to esteem, to respect, to regard, to venerate)सम्मान करना
to revere    (also: to glorify, to reckon, to respect, to revere, to salute, to regard, to venerate, to receive)आदर करना

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