
reversal meaning in Hindi

reversal    ({noun})खण्डन|तबदीली|परिवर्तन|उलटाव
reversion    ({noun})लौटना|उत्तराधिकार|फिरना
to reverse    ({v.t.})खण्डन करना|पराजित करना|औंधा करना|उलट देना|उलटना

Translations & Examples

reversal    (also: recall, repeal, revocation, separation)खण्डन
reversal    (also: modification, mutation, remove, shift, transfer)तबदीली
reversal    (also: alteration, change, commutation, conversion, exchange, mutation, qualification, shift, transition, turn)परिवर्तन
reversal    (also: subversion)उलटाव
reversion    (also: inheritance, succession)उत्तराधिकार
reversion    (also: promenade)फिरना
to reverse    (also: to conquer, to overbear, to overturn, to beat, to defeat, to overpower, to repulse, to rout, to suppress, to vanquish)पराजित करना
to reverse    (also: to invert)औंधा करना
to reverse    (also: to overturn, to subvert, to upset, to wrest, to recall, to overthrow)उलट देना
to reverse    (also: to subvert, to retrace)उलटना

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