
revolver meaning in Hindi

revolver    ({noun})पिस्तौल जिसमें की नली हो
to revolve    ({vb})चक्कर देना|घुमाना|सोचना|चक्कर लगाना|विचार करना|घूमना|उधेडबुन करना

Translations & Examples

revolver    पिस्तौल जिसमें की नली हो
to revolve    (also: to circulate, to rotate, to sway, to veer, to wave, to wheel, to whirl, to troll)घुमाना
to revolve    (also: to consider, to contemplate, to imagine, to suppose, to think, to study)सोचना
to revolve    चक्कर लगाना
to revolve    (also: to hear, to intend, to reflect, to resolve, to think, to agitate, to scheme, to speculate, to study, to weigh)विचार करना
to revolve    (also: to rotate, to swim, to twine, to wheel, to whirl)घूमना
to revolve    उधेडबुन करना

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