
reward meaning in Hindi

reward    ({noun})पारितोषिक|इनाम|बदला|फल|पुण्य|नतीजा
to reward    ({v.t.})बदला देना|इनाम देना|पारितोषिक देना|प्रतिफल देना

Translations & Examples

reward    (also: award, bonus, compensation, premium, price, prize, amends, largess)पारितोषिक
reward    (also: award, bounty, fee, gratuity, premium, price, prize, retribution, largess)इनाम
reward    (also: compensation, indemnity, price, reparation, reprisal, reprise, restitution, retaliation, retribution, revenge)बदला
reward    (also: advantage, avail, consequence, deduction, end, fruit, gain, growth, inference, issue)फल
reward    (also: charity, virtue)पुण्य
reward    (also: result, resultant, sequel)नतीजा
to reward    इनाम देना
to reward    (also: to fee)पारितोषिक देना
to reward    (also: to redress, to repay, to retaliate)प्रतिफल देना

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