
rich meaning in Hindi

rich    ({adj.})धनाढ्य|बहुमूल्य|सुस्पष्ट|मालदार|भरपूर|तर|अमीर|कीमती|धनवान|उपजाऊ|चमकीला|मालामाल|धनी|चमकदार|सुस्वर|स्वादिष्ट|मीठा
richness    ({noun})धनवनता
riches    ({noun})दौलत
richly    ({adv.})बहुतायत से

Translations & Examples

rich    (also: wealthy)धनाढ्य
rich    (also: costly, estimable, excellent, invaluable, precious, rare, valuable, worthy)बहुमूल्य
rich    (also: glaring, intelligible, lucid, outspoken, palpable, perceptible)सुस्पष्ट
rich    मालदार
rich    (also: fraught, replete)भरपूर
rich    (also: humid)तर
rich    (also: wealthy)अमीर
rich    (also: worthy)कीमती
rich    (also: affluent, moneyed, wealthy)धनवान
rich    (also: fertile, plentiful, productive, prolific)उपजाऊ
rich    (also: bright, glaring, glossy, golden, light, lucid, luminous, lustrous, radiant, resplendent)चमकीला
rich    मालामाल
rich    (also: affluent, moneyed, substantial, wealthy)धनी
rich    (also: brilliant, florid, light, luminous, radiant)चमकदार
rich    (also: melodious, musical, sweet)सुस्वर
rich    (also: delicate, delicious, neat, palatable, racy, savory, savoury, tasteful, tasty)स्वादिष्ट
rich    मीठा

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