
rightful meaning in Hindi

rightful    ({adj.})अधिकारी|न्यायसंगत|उचित
right    ({noun})न्यायोचित वस्तु|उचित अधिकार|नीति|दक्षिण पक्ष|स्वत्व
right    ({adv.})यथार्थतः|नियमानुसार|सीध में|सरल रेखा में
right    ({adj.})सीधा|सम|ठीक रखा हुआ|उपयुक्त|सरल|योग्य|उचित|न्याय

Translations & Examples

rightful    अधिकारी
rightful    (also: logical)न्यायसंगत
rightful    (also: advisable, applicable, appropriate, becoming, binding, competent, correct, decent, expedient, fair)उचित
right    उचित अधिकार
right    (also: morality, policy)नीति
right    दक्षिण पक्ष
right    (also: claim, liberty, lien, ownership)स्वत्व
right    (also: exactly, properly)यथार्थतः
right    (also: formally, systematically)नियमानुसार
right    सीध में
right    सरल रेखा में
right    (also: categorical, direct, erect, gentle, harmless, liberal, linear, perpendicular, simple, straight)सीधा
right    (also: equal, equivalent, even, flat, smooth, coordinate)सम
right    ठीक रखा हुआ
right    उपयुक्त
right    (also: direct, easy, elementary, ingenuous, innocent, light, prompt, running, simple, smooth)सरल
right    (also: able, adequate, advisable, appropriate, apt, becoming, capable, compatible, competent, convenient)योग्य
right    (also: advisable, applicable, appropriate, becoming, binding, competent, correct, decent, expedient, fair)उचित
right    (also: legal)न्याय

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