
rub meaning in Hindi

rub    ({noun})संघर्ष|कठिनाई|मालिश|रगडा
to rub    ({v.t.})मालिश करना|रगडना|पोंछना|साफ करना|झाडना
to rub    ({v.i.})रगडना

Translations & Examples

rub    (also: conflict, contention, dash, jar, shake, shock)संघर्ष
rub    (also: crux, difficulty, fix, tedium)कठिनाई
rub    (also: massage)मालिश
rub    (also: attrition)रगडा
to rub    (also: to gall, to scrub, to grate, to scour, to rub, to fret)रगडना
to rub    (also: to delete)पोंछना
to rub    (also: to pick, to purge, to distil, to isolate, to scour, to wipe, to tidy)साफ करना
to rub    (also: to exorcise, to sweep, to flap, to mop, to wipe, to flick)झाडना
to rub    (also: to gall, to scrub, to grate, to rub, to scour, to fret)रगडना

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