
rue meaning in Hindi

rue    ({noun})रंज|शोक|एक तेज़ खुशबूदार कडवा वृक्ष
to rue    ({vb})अफ़सोस करना|विलाप करना|शोक करना|पछताना

Translations & Examples

rue    (also: grievance, misery, pressure, spleen)रंज
rue    (also: affliction, anguish, bitterness, complaint, gloom, grief, lament, moan, mourning, qualm)शोक
rue    एक तेज़ खुशबूदार कडवा वृक्ष
to rue    (also: to moan, to mourn, to deplore, to lament)विलाप करना
to rue    (also: to moan, to mourn, to sorrow, to regret, to deplore, to lament)शोक करना
to rue    (also: to repent, to bemoan)पछताना

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