
rule meaning in Hindi

rule    ({noun})व्यवस्था|विधि|शासन|सूत्र|प्रमाण|प्रभुता|नियम|शोसन|दस्तूर|अधिकार|रेखा खींचने का यंत्र या कल|आधिपत्य|कायदा
to rule    ({v.i.})निर्णय करना|नियम बनाना
to rule    ({v.t.})शासन करना|नियम बनाना|प्रबंध करना
ruling    ({noun})सिद्धान्त
ruling    ({adj.})प्रधान

Translations & Examples

rule    (also: act, digest, disposal, institution, ordinance, principle, regularity, scheme)व्यवस्था
rule    (also: act, decree, formula, institution, method, nature, order, precept, prescription, principle)विधि
rule    (also: direction, domination, governance, government, guidance, kingdom, management, posture, regime, ruling)शासन
rule    (also: aphorism, clue, cue, formula, text, theorem)सूत्र
rule    (also: aphorism, confirmation, demonstration, evidence, measurement, paragon, probation, proof, quantity, rate)प्रमाण
rule    (also: ascendancy, realm, sway)प्रभुता
rule    (also: act, compact, condition, covenant, decree, enactment, engagement, formula, institute, law)नियम
rule    शोसन
rule    (also: ceremony, convention, custom, law, practice, rite, routine, ceremonial)दस्तूर
rule    (also: ability, authority, command, commission, control, discretion, disposal, faculty, function, governance)अधिकार
rule    रेखा खींचने का यंत्र या कल
rule    (also: empire, mastery, predominance, supremacy, sway)आधिपत्य
rule    (also: level, regulation)कायदा
to rule    (also: to legislate)नियम बनाना
to rule    (also: to administer, to discipline, to govern, to head, to manage, to predominate, to dominate, to reign)शासन करना
to rule    (also: to enact)नियम बनाना
to rule    (also: to govern, to treat, to execute, to transact, to wield, to work)प्रबंध करना
ruling    (also: arch, capital, cardinal, central, chief, constituent, dominant, essential, first, foremost)प्रधान

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