
safeguard meaning in Hindi

safeguard    ({noun})बचाव|रक्षा|अभयपत्र
to safeguard    ({v.t.})सुरक्षित रखना|बचाना|रक्षा करना

Translations & Examples

safeguard    (also: cover, preservation, safety, security, shield, covert)बचाव
safeguard    (also: advocacy, aid, care, charge, conservancy, custody, defence, guard, keeping, look-out)रक्षा
safeguard    अभयपत्र
to safeguard    (also: to fence, to maintain, to protect, to redeem, to shield, to ward, to avert, to defend, to rescue, to salvage)बचाना
to safeguard    (also: to escort, to keep, to protect, to shield, to support, to ward, to advocate, to bolster, to defend, to hold)रक्षा करना

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