
sally meaning in Hindi

sally    ({noun})सेना की दौड|कुलेल|आक्रमण|कूद|विलास|दौड|निर्गम|झपट
to sally    ({v.t.})शत्रु का एकाएक टूट पड़ना

Translations & Examples

sally    सेना की दौड
sally    कुलेल
sally    (also: aggression, attack, charge, descent, encroachment, foray, inroad, invasion, onset, push)आक्रमण
sally    (also: hop, ramp, skip, spring)कूद
sally    (also: amusement, bliss, clover, enjoyment)विलास
sally    (also: career, course, rink, run, scamper, speed, sweep, scud)दौड
sally    (also: exit)निर्गम
sally    झपट

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