
savage meaning in Hindi

savage    ({noun})असभ्य मनुष्य|बेढंगा मनुष्य|जंगली मनुष्य
savage    ({adj.})जंगली|असभ्य|बेढंगा

Translations & Examples

savage    असभ्य मनुष्य
savage    बेढंगा मनुष्य
savage    जंगली मनुष्य
savage    (also: feral, ferocious, fierce, sylvan, uncivilized, wild, wooded, woody, uncivilised)जंगली
savage    (also: abrupt, barbarian, barbarous, brutal, coarse, disrespectful, feral, homely, impolite, rough)असभ्य
savage    बेढंगा

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