
saw meaning in Hindi

saw    ({noun})कहावत|आरा
to saw    ({v.t.})आरे से काटना या चीरना
to see    ({v.t.})देखना|समझना|मालूम करना|गौर करना|अवलोकन करना|दृष्टि करना|चौकसी करना|मुलाकात करना|देख भाल करना

Translations & Examples

saw    (also: adage, aphorism, apologue, dictum, folklore, legend, maxim, motto, proverb, saying)कहावत
saw    आरा
to see    (also: to solve, to appreciate, to decipher, to deliberate, to enlighten, to grasp, to ken, to penetrate, to weigh, to regard)समझना
to see    (also: to perceive, to reach, to feel)मालूम करना
to see    गौर करना
to see    (also: to observe, to behold)अवलोकन करना
to see    (also: to regard)दृष्टि करना
to see    (also: to tend, to overlook)चौकसी करना
to see    मुलाकात करना
to see    देख भाल करना

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