
saying meaning in Hindi

saying    ({noun})लोकोक्ति|कहावत|बात
to say    ({v.t.})पढना|बोलना|कहना|राय कायम करना|वर्णन करना
say    ({noun})व्याख्यान|कहावत|बयान

Translations & Examples

saying    लोकोक्ति
saying    (also: adage, aphorism, apologue, dictum, folklore, legend, maxim, motto, proverb, saw)कहावत
saying    (also: circumstance, incident, matter, stich, thing, topic, transaction, wind, word)बात
to say    (also: to tongue, to address, to dictate, to utter)बोलना
to say    (also: to allege, to style, to term, to vent, to declare, to describe, to enunciate, to observe, to state, to utter)कहना
to say    राय कायम करना
to say    (also: to aver, to interpret, to relate, to report, to signify, to tell, to treat, to declare, to define, to delineate)वर्णन करना
say    (also: adage, aphorism, apologue, dictum, folklore, legend, maxim, motto, proverb, saw)कहावत
say    (also: declaration, deposition, illustration, interpretation, narrative, recital, recitation, relation, representation, statement)बयान

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