
scandal meaning in Hindi

scandal    ({noun})अपवाद|निन्दा|बदनामी
scandalous    ({adj.})बदनामी का|निन्दात्मक|कुत्सित|अपवादक
to scandalize    ({v.t.})अप्रसन्न करना|बदनाम करना|निन्दा करना

Translations & Examples

scandal    (also: aspersion, censure, defamation, exception, invective, slander)अपवाद
scandal    (also: denouement, denunciation, irony, lampoon, stricture, taunt)निन्दा
scandal    (also: defamation, discredit, infamy, notoriety, reproach, slander, stain)बदनामी
scandalous    निन्दात्मक
scandalous    (also: dirty, filthy, hateful, shabby)कुत्सित
scandalous    (also: defamatory)अपवादक
to scandalize    (also: to malign, to libel, to stain, to vilify, to denounce, to defame, to reproach, to scandalise)बदनाम करना
to scandalize    (also: to malign, to disparage, to lampoon, to denounce, to taunt, to defame, to scandalise)निन्दा करना

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