
scathe meaning in Hindi

scathe    ({noun})हानि|नुकसान
to scathe    ({v.t.})नाश करना|नुकसान करना|हानि करना|बरबाद करना
scathing    ({adj.})जलाने वाला|हानिकारक|नुकसान पहुंचाने वाला|हानि पहुंचाने वाला

Translations & Examples

scathe    (also: bereavement, decrease, disadvantage, grievance, harm, injury, injustice, loss, mischief, prejudice)हानि
scathe    (also: harm, lesion, loss, mischief, hurt)नुकसान
to scathe    (also: to harm)नुकसान करना
to scathe    (also: to violate)हानि करना
to scathe    (also: to misspend, to overturn)बरबाद करना
scathing    (also: destructive, harmful, hurtful, noxious, pernicious, wasteful, wrongful)हानिकारक
scathing    (also: harmful, mischievous)नुकसान पहुंचाने वाला
scathing    (also: injurious)हानि पहुंचाने वाला

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