
scene meaning in Hindi

scene    ({noun})दृष्टिगोचर स्थान|बहार|नकल|स्वांग|नाटक|रंगभूमि|आलम|रूप|रंगमंच|अभिनय

Translations & Examples

scene    दृष्टिगोचर स्थान
scene    (also: load, scenery)बहार
scene    (also: copy, duplicate, farce, imitation, mockery, transcript)नकल
scene    (also: comedy, disguise, drama, farce, jest, masquerade)स्वांग
scene    (also: ballet, comedy, drama, melodrama, play)नाटक
scene    (also: amphitheatre, theater, theatre)रंगभूमि
scene    आलम
scene    (also: appearance, aspect, complexion, contour, countenance, effigy, emblem, feature, figure, look)रूप
scene    (also: stage)रंगमंच
scene    (also: acting)अभिनय

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