
scheme meaning in Hindi

scheme    ({noun})उपाय|नक्षा|युक्ति|रचना|व्यवस्था|चित्र|योजना|कल्पना|तरतीब|इरादा|षड्यंत्र|साज़िश
to scheme    ({v.i.})उपाय करना|विचार करना|जुगत करना

Translations & Examples

scheme    (also: appliance, artifice, boot, cure, design, device, machination, move, plan, projection)उपाय
scheme    (also: draft, map, model, outline, plan, profile, proposal, sketch)नक्षा
scheme    (also: appliance, argument, design, device, engine, invention, knack, maneuver, manoeuvre, occupancy)युक्ति
scheme    (also: composition, construction, creation, disposition, essay, fabrication, formation, invention, juxtaposition, organisation)रचना
scheme    (also: act, digest, disposal, institution, ordinance, principle, regularity, rule)व्यवस्था
scheme    (also: chart, delineation, diagram, illustration, imagery, likeness, painting, perspective, picture, portrait)चित्र
scheme    (also: design)योजना
scheme    (also: assumption, conception, fancy, fantasy, hypothesis, idea, imagination, invention, speculation, supposition)कल्पना
scheme    (also: sequence, series)तरतीब
scheme    (also: intent, intention, principle, projection, resolution, will)इरादा
scheme    (also: design)षड्यंत्र
scheme    (also: intrigue, plot)साज़िश
to scheme    (also: to hear, to intend, to reflect, to resolve, to revolve, to think, to agitate, to speculate, to study, to weigh)विचार करना
to scheme    जुगत करना

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