
scope meaning in Hindi

scope    ({noun})गुंजाइश|क्षेत्र|जगह|लक्ष्य|अभिप्राय|कार्य क्षेत्र|अवकाश|प्रयोजन

Translations & Examples

scope    गुंजाइश
scope    (also: area, domain, field)क्षेत्र
scope    (also: accommodation, locality, place, position, post, room, site, space, spot, stand)जगह
scope    (also: aim, butt, direction, eye, goal, intention, object, purpose, target, tendency)लक्ष्य
scope    (also: aim, cause, design, destination, determination, drift, goal, intent, intention, meaning)अभिप्राय
scope    (also: province)कार्य क्षेत्र
scope    (also: adjournment, convenience, disengagement, furlough, interlude, leisure, recess, time, vacation)अवकाश
scope    (also: concern, impulse, intent, object, occasion, pressure, purpose, push, reason, sake)प्रयोजन

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