
score meaning in Hindi

score    ({noun})फटाव|दरार|हिसाब|कारण|कोडी|खेल का रजिस्टर
to score    ({v.t.})काटना|हिसाब लिखना|बनाना|आलोचना करना|छीलना|गूंथना|चिह्न करना|दर्ज करना

Translations & Examples

score    फटाव
score    (also: chap)दरार
score    हिसाब
score    (also: account, agency, cause, ground, impulse, incentive, incitement, inducement, instrument, medium)कारण
score    कोडी
score    खेल का रजिस्टर
to score    हिसाब लिखना
to score    (also: to alter, to model, to qualify, to erect, to fabricate, to form, to found, to frame, to hew, to rescue)बनाना
to score    (also: to observe)आलोचना करना
to score    (also: to blot, to expunge, to pare, to peel, to raze, to shave, to obliterate, to scrape, to erase, to excoriate)छीलना
to score    (also: to thread, to braid, to plait)गूंथना
to score    (also: to impress, to line, to wale, to trace)चिह्न करना
to score    (also: to register)दर्ज करना

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