
scorn meaning in Hindi

scorn    ({noun})घृणा की वस्तु|नफ़रत|तिरस्कार|घृणा
to scorn    ({v.t.})तुच्छ जानना|हंसी उडाना|नफरत करना|घृणा करना|चुटकी पर उडाना|तिरस्कार करना|उपहास करना
scornful    ({adj.})घृणा करने वाला|तिरस्कारी|निंदात्मक

Translations & Examples

scorn    घृणा की वस्तु
scorn    (also: hate, hatred)नफ़रत
scorn    (also: affront, contempt, disdain, indignity, opprobrium, taunt)तिरस्कार
scorn    (also: abhorrence, abomination, aversion, contempt, disdain, disgust, dislike, distaste, enmity, execration)घृणा
to scorn    (also: to burlesque, to mock, to roast, to banter, to deride, to shame, to scoff)हंसी उडाना
to scorn    नफरत करना
to scorn    (also: to disgust, to dislike, to nauseate, to spite, to abhor, to detest, to disdain, to hate, to loathe, to spurn)घृणा करना
to scorn    चुटकी पर उडाना
to scorn    (also: to affront, to disdain)तिरस्कार करना
to scorn    (also: to roast, to ridicule)उपहास करना
scornful    तिरस्कारी
scornful    निंदात्मक

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