
scuffle meaning in Hindi

scuffle    ({noun})धींगा मस्ती|कुश्ती|खेंचाखेंची|लडाई|लात मुक्का|धक्कम धक्का
to scuffle    ({v.t.})कुश्ती में लपट जाना|झगडना|लात मुक्का मारना

Translations & Examples

scuffle    धींगा मस्ती
scuffle    (also: grapple, wrestle, wrestling)कुश्ती
scuffle    खेंचाखेंची
scuffle    (also: action, battle, brawl, breach, broil, campaign, combat, conflict, contest, dissension)लडाई
scuffle    लात मुक्का
scuffle    धक्कम धक्का
to scuffle    (also: to dispute, to bicker, to strive, to brawl, to vie)झगडना
to scuffle    लात मुक्का मारना

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