
seam meaning in Hindi

seam    ({noun})पतली तह|निशान|सिलाई|चिह्न|दाग|सीवन
to seam    ({v.t.})निशान या चिह्न करना|सिलाई करना|सीना

Translations & Examples

seam    पतली तह
seam    (also: index, indication, insignia, mark, note, omen, relic, souvenir, trace)निशान
seam    (also: needlework, sewing, stitching, style)सिलाई
seam    (also: badge, character, device, emblem, feature, impress, impression, imprint, index, indication)चिह्न
seam    (also: blot, blur, brand, scar, slur, smear, stain, tarnish)दाग
seam    (also: stitch, suture)सीवन
to seam    (also: to stitch, to sew)सिलाई करना
to seam    (also: to sew)सीना

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