
sentence meaning in Hindi

sentence    ({noun})पद|वाक्य|उक्ति|विचार|वचन|अदालत का फ़ैसला|निर्णय|दंडाज्ञा
to sentence    ({v.t.})दंडाज्ञा देना|मुजरिम ठहराना|सज़ा का हुक्म देना

Translations & Examples

sentence    (also: birth, category, class, clause, degree, dignity, expression, grade, item, line)पद
sentence    (also: allegation, harangue, passage, proposition, word)वाक्य
sentence    (also: adage, allegation, expression, maxim, observation)उक्ति
sentence    (also: belief, caution, concept, conception, consideration, contemplation, deliberation, determination, discretion, discrimination)विचार
sentence    (also: adage, agreement, aphorism, appointment, capitulation, compact, declaration, dictum, engagement, expression)वचन
sentence    अदालत का फ़ैसला
sentence    निर्णय
sentence    दंडाज्ञा
to sentence    मुजरिम ठहराना
to sentence    सज़ा का हुक्म देना

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