
separate meaning in Hindi

separate    ({adj.})अलग|पृथक किया हुआ
to separate    ({v.i.})पृथक होना|अलग होना
to separate    ({v.t.})अलग करना|पृथक करना
separately    ({adv.})पृथक पृथक|अलग अलग
separation    ({noun})वियोग|भिन्नता|खण्डन|शोधन|विश्लेषण|पृथक करना|त्याग|पृथकत्व|अलगाव

Translations & Examples

separate    (also: asunder, detached, different, dissimilar, distant, distinct, exclusive, outlying, several, single)अलग
separate    पृथक किया हुआ
to separate    (also: to sever, to outgo, to sequester)अलग होना
to separate    (also: to disengage, to distinguish, to divide, to intercept, to remove, to split, to supersede, to abstract, to disconnect, to disgrace)अलग करना
to separate    (also: to discriminate, to suspend, to alienate, to detach, to divorce, to isolate, to sever, to segregate, to sequester)पृथक करना
separately    अलग अलग
separation    (also: difference, variety)भिन्नता
separation    (also: recall, repeal, reversal, revocation)खण्डन
separation    (also: correction, purification, reformation)शोधन
separation    (also: analysis, resolution)विश्लेषण
separation    पृथक करना
separation    (also: abatement, defection, denial, dereliction, desertion, expulsion, renunciation, resignation, salvo, saving)त्याग
separation    (also: individuality, removal, segregation, severance)पृथकत्व
separation    (also: segregation, solution)अलगाव

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