
serene meaning in Hindi

serene    ({adj.})धीर|धीमा|साफ|निर्मल|स्थिर|शान्त|चुपचाप
serenity    ({noun})शान्ति|स्वच्छता|धीरता

Translations & Examples

serene    (also: cool, dispassionate, patient, reserved, resolute, sedate, serious)धीर
serene    (also: gentle, heavy, leaden, low, slow, sluggish, soft, tardy, tedious, weak)धीमा
serene    (also: clean, clear, explicit, fair, frank, intelligible, liberal, lucid, luminous, manifest)साफ
serene    (also: clean, clear, crystalline, pure, refined, translucent, transparent, vestal)निर्मल
serene    (also: calm, constant, firm, fixed, immovable, immutable, motionless, pacific, peaceful, permanent)स्थिर
serene    (also: calm, demure, dispassionate, moderate, pacific, peaceful, sober, still, temperate, unruffled)शान्त
serene    (also: mute, quiet, still, mum)चुपचाप
serenity    (also: neatness, sincerity, transparency, sincereness)स्वच्छता
serenity    (also: fortitude)धीरता

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