
seriousness meaning in Hindi

seriousness    ({noun})गम्भीरता|संजीदगी|बडा ध्यान
serious    ({adj.})अपरिहासी|गम्भीर|भारी|संगीन|धीर|सच्चा|संजीदा

Translations & Examples

seriousness    (also: equanimity, perseverance, sobriety, solemnity)गम्भीरता
seriousness    संजीदगी
seriousness    बडा ध्यान
serious    (also: impressive, placid, profound, reserved, sad, severe, sober, solemn, solid)गम्भीर
serious    (also: bulky, burdensome, emphatic, gigantic, grand, gross, gruff, hard, heavy, irksome)भारी
serious    (also: solid, stone)संगीन
serious    (also: cool, dispassionate, patient, reserved, resolute, sedate, serene)धीर
serious    (also: authentic, candid, cordial, credible, fair, faithful, frank, genuine, hearty, honest)सच्चा
serious    (also: severe)संजीदा

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