
serviceable meaning in Hindi

serviceable    ({adj.})काम आनेवाला|सेवा करने योग्य|काम का|उपयोगी
service    ({noun})पूजा|लाभ|सेवा|काम|पद|फायदा|टहल|आराधना|नौकरी

Translations & Examples

serviceable    काम आनेवाला
serviceable    सेवा करने योग्य
serviceable    (also: available, effective, handy, practical)काम का
serviceable    (also: agreeable, becoming, effective, helpful, useful)उपयोगी
service    (also: acquisition, advantage, avail, benefit, bonus, boot, catch, clearance, commodity, cure)लाभ
service    (also: attendance, homage, ministry)सेवा
service    (also: act, action, affair, business, concern, deed, employment, engagement, fact, function)काम
service    (also: birth, category, class, clause, degree, dignity, expression, grade, item, line)पद
service    फायदा
service    (also: attendance)टहल
service    (also: prayer, worship)आराधना
service    (also: berth, employment, job, office, post, situation)नौकरी

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