
setting meaning in Hindi

setting    ({noun})डूबना|अस्त|महफिल
to set    ({v.t.})नियम करना|ठीक करना|जडना|लगाना|घबडाना|बैठाना|रोपना|बोना|दिखलाना|देना|मूल्य समझना|गाडना लगाना|रखना|धरना|प्रकाश करना|स्थापित करना
set    ({adj.})स्थापित

Translations & Examples

setting    (also: set, sinking)डूबना
setting    (also: extreme)अस्त
setting    (also: gathering, mood)महफिल
to set    (also: to adjust, to amend, to match, to pair, to prepare, to punish, to recover, to rectify, to fashion, to fit)ठीक करना
to set    (also: to fix, to enamel, to fasten, to inlay)जडना
to set    (also: to adjoin, to administer, to bed, to engage, to fix, to place, to affix, to append, to apply, to fasten)लगाना
to set    (also: to amaze, to puzzle, to disturb, to embarrass, to entangle, to mystify)घबडाना
to set    (also: to seat, to install, to put, to settle, to sit)बैठाना
to set    (also: to transplant, to plant)रोपना
to set    (also: to bed, to disseminate, to farm, to seed)बोना
to set    (also: to show, to demonstrate, to display, to represent, to exhibit, to designate)दिखलाना
to set    (also: to administer, to give, to grant, to invest, to lend, to present, to accommodate, to bestow, to deliver, to demise)देना
to set    मूल्य समझना
to set    गाडना लगाना
to set    (also: to keep, to maintain, to park, to place, to apply, to deposit, to have, to include, to lay, to put)रखना
to set    (also: to keep, to place, to owe, to seize)धरना
to set    (also: to beacon, to explain, to open, to profess, to purport, to show, to trumpet, to vent, to illuminate, to proclaim)प्रकाश करना
to set    (also: to establish, to open, to ground, to institute, to settle, to build, to root)स्थापित करना

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