
settle meaning in Hindi

settle    ({noun})ऊंचे पुश्त की कुरसी|ऊंचे पुस्त की बैंच|चौकी
to settle    ({v.t.})स्थापित करना|निर्णय करना|बैठाना|बसाना|चुकाना|तय करना|शांत करना|ठहराना

Translations & Examples

settle    ऊंचे पुश्त की कुरसी
settle    ऊंचे पुस्त की बैंच
settle    (also: chair, dresser, seat, stall, station, stool)चौकी
to settle    (also: to decide, to decree, to award, to judge, to sift, to rule)निर्णय करना
to settle    (also: to seat, to set, to install, to put, to sit)बैठाना
to settle    (also: to people, to populate, to lodge)बसाना
to settle    (also: to adjust, to discharge, to return, to liquidate, to reconcile, to replace, to satisfy)चुकाना
to settle    (also: to award)तय करना
to settle    (also: to assuage, to lull, to quench, to solace, to hush, to quiet, to quell)शांत करना
to settle    (also: to decide, to establish, to quarter, to anchor, to destine, to halt, to institute, to pacify, to station, to attribute)ठहराना

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