
shackle meaning in Hindi

shackle    ({noun})ज़ंजीर|पकडी|बेडी
to shackle    ({v.t.})ज़ंजीर डालना|रोकना|बेडी डालना|कैद करना

Translations & Examples

shackle    (also: tether)ज़ंजीर
shackle    पकडी
shackle    बेडी
to shackle    (also: to curb, to dam, to dike, to discontinue, to fetter, to foreclose, to intercept, to interdict, to keep, to let)रोकना
to shackle    (also: to fetter, to hamper, to iron, to bolt)बेडी डालना
to shackle    (also: to shut, to incarcerate, to imprison)कैद करना

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