
sham meaning in Hindi

sham    ({noun})झूठ|पाखंड|बनावट
sham    ({adj.})नकली|झूठा|बनावटी
to sham    ({v.t.})ठगना|बनावट करना|धोखा देना

Translations & Examples

sham    (also: counterfeit, deceit, fabrication, falsehood, fiction, lie)झूठ
sham    पाखंड
sham    (also: architecture, build, building, constitution, construction, fabric, fabrication, forgery, formation, frame)बनावट
sham    (also: bogus, counterfeit, fictitious, illegitimate, mock, sardonic, mimic)नकली
sham    (also: bastard, counterfeit, fallacious, false, hollow, insincere, insubstantial, mock, null, simulated)झूठा
sham    (also: artificial, bogus, fictitious, ostensible, scenic, simulated, spurious, unnatural)बनावटी
to sham    (also: to feign)बनावट करना
to sham    (also: to deceive, to defraud, to fob, to gull, to kid, to misrepresent, to mock, to trick, to blind, to delude)धोखा देना

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