
shame meaning in Hindi

shame    ({noun})अपमान|लज्जा|शर्म|लाज
to shame    ({v.t.})सकुचाना|लजाना|हंसी उडाना|बेइज्जत करना|लज्जित करना
shameful    ({adj.})बुरा|निन्दनीय|लज्जित

Translations & Examples

shame    (also: affront, contempt, degradation, discredit, disfavour, disgrace, dishonour, disrepute, indignity, insult)अपमान
shame    (also: decency, disgrace, dishonour, modesty, shyness)लज्जा
shame    (also: shyness)शर्म
shame    लाज
to shame    लजाना
to shame    (also: to burlesque, to mock, to roast, to banter, to deride, to scorn, to scoff)हंसी उडाना
to shame    बेइज्जत करना
to shame    लज्जित करना
shameful    (also: flagrant)निन्दनीय
shameful    (also: ashamed)लज्जित

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